
“Guayusa” The Story Behind RUNA | Intentional Consumption


February 12, 2016

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If you’re not familiar with RUNA, you should be.  If you’re not familiar with Channing Tatum, you have bigger issues!  The video below should give you a good insight into both, and hopefully together RUNA & Channing will bring more exposure to the Amazonian leaf Guayusa and the impact their efforts are making with over 3000 families of the Amazon.

RUNA Team Blog“We’re grateful for the massive push toward helping us educate consumers about the Runa brand, the benefits of guayusa tea, and the ways we’re benefitting farming families in the Amazon.” Tyler Gage, C0-Founder RUNA

“I showed up in Ecuador with this idea of using it commercially.  The farmers literally laughed at us.  In only six years we’ve grown to support over 3,000 families.  We’ll generate almost $1 million of direct cash income to the communities.  They’re not laughing anymore?”

Runa Bev line up image sliderOne RUNA bottle provides the same stimulating effects as a cup of coffee.  With the added benefit of 15 essential amino acids.  It’s natural caffeine with anti-oxidants which gives you great functionality you can feel.  Plus, it’s USDA  Certified Organic, and Fair Trade!

Like millions of other Americans Channing was no different.  “I grew up in the south where it was 7-eleven culture.  You know, McDonald’s culture.  I just ate stuff just because it was — well tasted good.  There’s something beautiful about knowing where this (RUNA) is coming from and what the story is. There’s an intentional consumption that I believe is really where I hope that society’s going.”

We could not agree more Channing! #Sustainablefoodservice #Intentionalconsumption


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